How to Create Positive Word-of-Mouth on Social Media

Positive word-of-mouth is triggered when a customer experiences something far beyond what was expected, an experience beyond industry standards. 

An experience that delivers a positive surprise or delight.

Delivering what is expected or slightly exceeding customer expectations just won’t do it.

So to increase positive word-of-mouth and social media buzz you need to invest your resources into Customer Experience.

You need to create a customer experience that repetitiously and systematically exceeds expectations. 

Start today. 

Decide on one customer touch point you can elevate beyond the expected in your industry.

Look first to what will create the biggest impact for the smallest investment.

Work on a process so that you deliver that experience consistently.

Then start on another, and another.

Do that and your customers will spread the good word via word-of-mouth and social media.

(By Craig Arthur, Wizard of Ads Australia)