When Will My Ads Start Working?

"When you know how adverting works and your competitors don't, you have the advantage."

Advertising is like planting corn.

According to reference.com, "From sowing to harvest, a corn seed takes 55 to 95 days to grow, depending on what type of corn is planted as well as the climate it is grown in. The time from planting corn seed to germination is normally about 5 to 12 days."

In your experience what would be the most effective kind of advertising? - Zoe H. Australia

Zoe, the answer depends on your definition of advertising.
Are you talking...

  • Media selection. The delivery vehicle of your message (passive or intrusive)? Television, radio, newspaper, magazines, Adwords, Facebook ads, flyers, billboards, buses, cinema, email, direct mail, door knocking... If you say the right thing, all advertising delivery vehicles work to some degree. 

Don't Define Your Life by a Single Event

Life can be difficult and no one escapes its challenges. Sooner or later you will find yourself pressed to your limits. It may come in the form of a broken relationship, or unemployment, or a serious illness, or the death of a loved one. When it comes you will be tempted to define your life by that painful experience. Don’t succumb to that temptation. Refuse to define your life by any single event, whatever it may be. It is a real part of your life, but that is all – just a part.
— Richard Exley, August 2, 2013